
中村六郎 窯変徳利 | ¥50,000円~100,000円 |
中村六郎 備前ぐい呑 | ¥5,000円~80,000円 |
中村六郎 備前 手造宝瓶 | ¥20,000円~60,000円 |
中村六郎 備前壺 | ¥10,000円~30,000円 |
中村六郎 備前焼 茶碗 | ¥10,000円~20,000円 |
- 中村 六郎(1914年2月4日 - 2004年4月11日)は岡山県備前市伊部生まれの陶芸家。
- 愛称は「六さん」。
- 所属団体:日本工芸会中国支部、備前焼陶友会、伝統工芸士会。
- 父親と金重陶陽らの作家たちとの親交から陶芸家を志す。
- 1945年に金重陶陽に師事し、陶芸の技術を学ぶ。
- 北大路魯山人も師事中に金重陶陽宅を訪れた際に影響を受ける。
- 1961年に六郎窯を開き独立。
- 1986年に伝統工芸士に認定される。
- 製作品:ろくろで徳利、たたらで泡瓶、急須、茶碗など。
- 作風:朴訥として野性味あふれる、観音土使用、緋色の「中村家の緋色」で知られる。
- 文豪井伏鱒二など著名人との逸話が多く、井伏は生前に六郎の徳利を愛用。
- 歌人杉鮫太郎、詩人安東次男らとの交流や紹介文の寄稿。
- 安東次男は窯傷のある作品を好む。
- 愛称「酒器の神様」、「とっくりの六郎」で親しまれる。
- 長男の中村真、孫の中村和樹も陶芸家として活動。
Our store is a specialty shop focused on the purchase of antiques. We are committed to breathing new life into artworks and crafts that have withstood the test of time, ensuring they find their way into the hands of the next generation of enthusiasts. Recently, in Nagoya City, we had the privilege of acquiring a piece by Nakamura Rokuro, a Tokkuri, for 70,000 yen. In addition to the Tokkuri, we have also purchased a variety of other antiques and hanging scrolls.
For those looking to sell antiques and art pieces in Nagoya City, look no further than Nagoya Antique Store.
If you're considering the sale of Nakamura Rokuro's pottery works or any other antiques and art pieces in Nagoya City, entrust them to us at Nagoya Antique Store. We offer purchase services for a wide range of artworks, including precious pottery works by Nakamura Rokuro, as well as hanging scrolls and paintings. Our professional team, with years of expertise in the field of antiques, is equipped to accurately assess the value of your treasured items and provide a satisfactory price offer.
Nakamura Rokuro's works, in particular, are highly valued for their unique glaze colors, shapes, and meticulous craftsmanship. Our store guarantees an appropriate purchase price, understanding the true value of such works. We also deal with a wide range of hanging scrolls and paintings, from historical to modern pieces.
Furthermore, we provide a completely free on-site visit service (although please note there may be cases where we are unable to visit depending on the content). Our specialist staff will come directly to your home or the location where the items are stored, to carefully examine their condition and provide a proper appraisal. We will adjust the visitation schedule to suit your convenience, making our service accessible even for those who are busy or have a large collection of items.
At Nagoya Antique Store, we strive to offer an honest and transparent purchasing service, so that our customers can feel confident and secure when selling their art and antiques. If you are thinking of selling your valuable items, please contact Nagoya Antique Store. We are here to help you discover new value in your items and connect them to their next enthusiasts.
